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Get involved and help make a real difference



Oliver's Parents and Little Brothers

Oliver's Parents and Little Brothers



Edinburgh KiltWalk 2014

Edinburgh KiltWalk 2014

Edinburgh Relay Marathon 2014

Edinburgh Relay Marathon 2014

Sports Day at Waid Academy

Sports Day at Waid Academy

10th July 2015

10th July 2015



Forth Road Bridge Spacehopathon

Forth Road Bridge Spacehopathon

"Would love to say a massive thank you to the amazing charity #LoveOliver for the wonderful teenage gift bag they sent to Kira and the ultra generous financial family grant to help us with additional expenses that are incurred due to hospital stays. The gift bag was a lovely surprise and a great "pick me up" for Kira when she received it through our amazing and supportive CLIC Sargent Social Worker -and the grant will be a huge help to us."


Just can't thank you enough LoveOliver for continuously supporting us and huge well done on winning the award for Chidren's Charity of the Year at the #CharityChampions Gala at the beginning of the month. You do incredible work in supporting kids going through challenging cancer journeys and this accolade is so very well deserved! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts🎗 X"

- - Aud Noble, Parent



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·       Volunteer your time - we have opportunities at both our shop in Glenrothes and Hub in Edinburgh.

·       Due to the new GDPR regulations, we cannot contact you unless you give us permission – you can sign up to our mailing list on our website – and we would love it if you do!

·       Challenge yourself - take part in a sponsored event - we have paper sponsor forms we can send to you, and we also have our online fundraising facility with Justgiving

·       Come along to one (or more than one!) of our events 

·       Sign up to which covers a wide range of online retailers who donate a small percentage of sales to your chosen charity

·       Donate - one-off and/or regular donations are always welcome. We have our online donation page with Justgiving, the charity bank details are 00015631 and 87 70 54, or we can give you details of how to pay by cheque on request. 

·       Donate any new/nearly new toys, books, games, clothes, accessories for babies or children to our shop at the Kingdom Shopping Centre….get in touch to arrange drop off.

·       Donate any unwanted gifts for us to use as raffle prizes. Office supplies are always very much appreciated and help us to keep our costs as low as possible (especially envelopes and 1st and 2nd class stamps, both standard and large)

·       We are more than happy to come along to speak about LoveOliver at any groups – church, Rotary, school, sports etc so please get in touch if you would be interested

·       If you are on Facebook or Instagram please ‘like’ our page, and ‘like’ and share our posts as much as possible - it really does help us to reach more people



LoveOliver is proud to be supported by: 

The Howat Foundation, St James's Place Charitable Foundation, TTS-24/7, Tweed Wealth ManagementThe Kingdom Shopping Centre Glenrothes, Kerry Smyth Hairdressing, Day Today Leven, COOK Morningside and Glasgow, Tir na nOg,and Scotmid Community Connect Fund

Charity Champions

Children's Charity of the Year, 2017

© 2017 LoveOliver


LoveOliver SCIO is a charity registered in Scotland, no: SC053601


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