Give a Christmas dinner appeal

We’re looking for your support to help families living with childhood cancer in difficult circumstances, to enjoy a delicious Christmas dinner.
Earlier this year we started a partnership with COOK to give families with children in isolation or extended periods in hospital away from home, ready to heat homemade meals.

Families finding themselves in this situation often don’t have the time to go shopping or to prepare a meal from scratch. So many families miss out on nutritious meals and end up snacking, and many miss the opportunity to sit down and enjoy a meal as a family.
So far we’ve helped over 20 families going through childhood cancer treatment in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and the feedback has been excellent. The families really value this support and for many it’s been a vital part of keeping some normality during a very challenging time.
Your help will provide these families and families needing a little bit extra help, with a full Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. The cost of providing a delicious dinner is around £80-100.
We know Christmas is an expensive time for everyone but any help will be gratefully received, and will make a big difference. Just £10 will pay for the Christmas pudding or £6.50 for Pigs in Blankets.
We would like to help as many families as possible, and any money we have left over will be put towards meal orders at the start of 2019.